Hi, I’m Matt.

I’m interested in how design and media can help us learn, and how learning gives us a sense of connection, confidence, and hope.

Contact Me

Hello! Welcome to my website.

If you like to learn, we’ll get along. In my free time, I’m taking classes or in a coffee shop, writing in the margin of a book.

My most recent projects include an interactive language learning lesson, an animation to explain passive solar heating, and a website to help people learn basic photography terms.

Below are some of the things that guide and inspire me.

Education & Learning
Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paolo Freire
The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning by Richard Mayer
Design for How People Learn by Julie Dirksen
How We Learn by Stanislaus Dehaene
Learning by Heart by Tony Wagner
UX Design for Effective Instruction online course by Carnegie Mellon
Evidence-Based Backward Design online course by Carnegie Mellon

Write Like You Talk by Paul Gram

Mental Health
Lost Connections by Johann Hari

Filmmaking, Animation & Design
On Directing Film by David Mamet
Introduction to Motion Graphics and Story Visualization online course by Harvard Extension School (my final project)

Urban Planning & Design
Happy City by Charles Montgomery
Restorative Cities: Urban Design for Mental Health and Wellbeing by Jenny Roe and Layla McCay
Soft City by David Sim
The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs
The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces by William H. Whyte
Building and Dwelling: Ethics for the City by Richard Sennett

History & Economics
Capital and Ideology by Thomas Pikkety